RARE 7.5cm leicht Infanteriegeschutz18 Hollow charge anti tank round.
Due to the LIG18's low muzzle velocity its AT performance using conventional kinetic energy AP projectiles would have been inadequate. As Hollow charge performance is not influenced greatly by striking velocity the weapon was given a useful anti armour capability when using the I Gr38 projectile. Armour penetration was in the region of 45mm at a 30 degree strike angle.
This projectile still has its original flash tube/cone and spacers and is fitted with the correct AZ38 fuse. Case manufactured by DWM (Deutche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken) Werke Berlin-Borsigwalde. Projectile by Heers-Munitionsansalt u. Geschos-Werkstatt Zeithain/Hulsen.
Fine condition, original wartime finish with stencillings still visible.