SKS Rifle Parts & AccessoriesParts and Accessories for the Yugoslav M59 SKS, Yugoslav M59/66 Grenade Launching SKS, Chinese SKS, Romanian SKS, Russian SKS 45, Albanian SKS.
The SKS is a Russian semi-automatic carbine, designed in 1945 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov. It is formally known as the Samozaryadniy Karabin sistemi Simonova (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова), 1945 (Self-loading Carbine, Simonov's system, 1945), or SKS 45. It was originally planned to serve as the new standard issue weapon for the Soviet military forces, alongside Mikhail Kalashnikov's new AK-47 design, to replace the Mosin-Nagant series of bolt-action rifles and carbines that had been in service since 1891, chambered for the expensive 7.62 x 54 mm R. As mass production of AK-pattern rifles increased, the SKS carbine was soon phased out of service. The carbine was quickly replaced entirely by the AK-47, but it remained in second-line service for decades afterwards, and remains a ceremonial arm today. It was widely exported and produced by the former Eastern Bloc nations, as well as China, where it was designated the "Type 56" (and, in modified form, the "Type 68"), East Germany as the "Karabiner S" and in North Korea as the "Type 63" It is today popular on the civilian surplus market in many countries. Featured Products - SKS Rifle Parts & Accessories |
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