Rifle grenade 58
Weight 2 lb 7 oz
Muzzle vel.
normal charge 131 ft/sec.
booster charge 230 ft/sec.
Max. range
normal charge 186 yards
booster charge 470 yards
The rifle grenade 58 may be fitted with the following warheads:
1. Hollow charge for heavy armour. Modem hollow charge rifle grenades can penetrate 12 to 2 0 inches of "best quality" armour plating.
2. Antipersonnel with impact detonator.
3. Smoke canister for reducing visibility.
4. Dummy.
All Swiss rifle grenades contain a booster charge. If not required, it is deactivated by forcing a plastic plug down the muzzle, before the grenade is mounted. Hollow charge grenades are fired with a booster charge at all times.
12. Firing the rifle grenade 58
Figs. 34 and 35 show method of taking aim when target is in view. If the target is not in view the rifleman uses the scales on the legs of the bipod, together with a plumb line (33). A second soldier stands behind the first to check side rake. When launching a grenade, the rifle should on no account be pressed against one's shoulder. Recoil is particularly fierce!
However, if the rifleman has no hard surface to support the buttstock, he is recommended to clamp the buttstock under his right arm and hold it there as best he can, either in a standing or kneeling position.
Fig. 3 6 (not shown) shows the dampening mechanism in the buttstock, as well as the deforming zones of the buttstock when it is propped against a hard surface, and pressed into service as a launching pad.